مقالات چاپ شده با افیلیشن مرکزطب سنتی


1.     Synthesis and anticancer activity of new azo compounds containing extended p-conjugated systems
2.     Characterization of Chemical Composition and Antioxidant roperties of Trachyspermum ammi Seed as a Potential Medicinal Plant
3.     Repeated systemic administration of the cinnamon essential oil possesses anti-anxiety and anti-depressant activities in mice
4.     Evaluation of Neuroprotective Effect of Althaea Officinalis Flower Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in PC12 Cells
5.     Cytotoxicity of the Methanol Extract of Datura innoxia Petals on MCF-7 and HEK-293 Cell Lines
6.     Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of aunaea acanthodes; an Endemic Species of Iran

7.     Sclerorhachis Platyrachis (Boiss.) Podlech Ex Rech. F.: an Indigenous Medicinal Plant from Northeastern Iran;Essential Oil Composition, otal Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity
8.     Comparison of allergenicityof  petals in two ontogenical stages of Cytisus scopariusL
9.     Study of allergen city of  petal and stamen in older  ontogenical stage of Cytisus scopariu
10.Petal and Stamen Allergen city Effect of Old Ontogenical Staged Spartium junceum L. in Guinea Pig
11.Determine the role of 133 CG genotypes of interleukin-18 as a factor in increased serum levels of immunoglobulin E in patients with allergic rhinitis in Chahar Mahalo Bakhtaran Province
12.The effects of physical activity on Epilepsy: A Review
13.The effect of minocycline on gene expression of NMDA receptor in hippocampus and perform brain areas on amygdale kindling acquisition in rat
14.Comparison of allergen city of petals in two ontogenical stages of Cytisus scenarios L. in guinea pig
15.Study of allergen city of petal and stamen in older ontogenical stage of Cytisus scenarios L. in guinea pig
16.Long term effect of vaginal delivery and cesarean section on female sexual function in primipara mothers
17.Epidemiology, incidence and mortality of oral cavity and lips cancer and their relationship with the human development index in the world
18.The Effect of Inhalation of Essential Oils of Polianthes Tuberosa on Test Anxiety in Students: A Clinical Trial
19.The Effect of Cupping Therapy on Non-specific Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
20.The Effectiveness of Topical Chamomile Oil in the Treatment of Infantile Colic Symptoms: A Case Report
22.Comparing the efficacy of desmopressin and oxybutynin combination therapy and desmopressin monotherapy in children with primary nocturnal enuresis; a randomized clinical trial
23.Effective Factors on Shortage of Breastfeeding According to Iranian Traditional Medicine

24.  A Review of Its Physiology and Galactogogue Plants in View of Traditional Persian Medicine

25. Effectiveness of supplementary blended flour based on chickpea and cereals for the treatment of infants with moderate acute malnutrition in Iran: A randomized clinical trial

26.مقایسه آلرژی زایی گلبرگ ها در دو مرحله تکوینی در گیاه گل طاووسی(scenarios Cytisus )درخوکچه هندی

27.بررسي فیزیوپاتولوژی و درمان ایلئوس پس از جراحی از دیدگاه طب سنتي ايران و مقایسه با شواهد طب نوین: يك مطالعه مروري

28.بررسي پنوموتوراكس در نوزادان تحت تهويه مكانيكي بخش مراقبت هاي ويژه نوزادان بيمارستان مهديه تهران طي سال هاي 1381-1375

29.مقايسه ميزان درد و اضطراب در نمونه گيري مغز استخوان تحت بيهوشي عمومي با بي حسي موضعي در کودکان مبتلا به لوسمي

30.تاثير تمرين ويبريشن و مکمل سازي کراتين بر عملکرد عصبي- عضلاني و آمادگي جسماني در زنان سالمند

31.تاثير استفاده از گام شمار بر افزايش فعاليت فيزيکي در محل کار

32.ارزیابی سمیت حاد عصاره متانولی اندام هوایی گیاه platyrachis Sclerorhachisدرتزریق داخل صفاقی به موش صحرایی

33.مطالعه خاصیت آنتي اکسیداني عصاره گلبرگ داتوره تماشايي آنتي اکسیداني نوين با منشا طبیعي در صنايع غذايي

34.بررسی اثر سمیت سلولی عصاره ي متانولی میوه گیاه هندهبید بر سلولهاي سرطان پستان


35.   Perinatal Mortality and Its Associated Risk Factors: A Study in the North-East of Iran

36.   Effect of a functional food (vegetable soup) on blood rheology in patients with polycythemia

37.   Breastfeeding:A Review of Its Physiology and Galactogogue Plants in View of Traditional Persian medicine

38.   Effectiveness of supplementary blended flour based on chickpea and cereals for the treatment of infants with moderate acute malnutrition in Iran: A randomized clinical trial

39.   Life Style Management of Pediatric Obesity based on Traditional Persian Medicine: A Narrative Review

40.  Traditional Dry Cupping Therapy Versus Medroxyprogesterone Acetate in the Treatment of Idiopathic Menorrhagia: A Randomized Controlled Trial

41.   Effect of Viola Odorata Nasal Drop on Sleep Quality of Older Adults